class DB3:public DBCOMMON  // An actuator (pressure pad, keyhole, etc.)
  i16 word2;  // bits 0-6 = Actuator Type
              //    0 = Do nothing
              //    1 = A simple wall switch that
              //        can be pressed with anything.
              //    2 = ?
              //    3 = Lock. Keys stays in hand
              //    4 = Lock. Key removed from hand.
              //    5 =
              //        Byte 8 (position) of Timer6 is bit number.
              //        Bits 7-15 are value.  Bits in this value
              //        are Set/Cleared/Toggled by Timer6.
              //        "position" of timer6 tells which bit to
              //        fiddle with.
              //        Actuator is 'pressed' when bits 7-10 are
              //        equal to bits 11-14.  (The first 4 bits of
              //        value equals second 4 bits).  
              //    6 =
              //        In a closed (stone) room
              //           Bits 7-15 are a 9-bit counter.  A SET
              //           function increments and anything else
              //           decrements the counter.  You cannot change
              //           a counter that equals zero.  (Why?)
              //           The actuator is considered 'pressed'
              //           if the count is non-zero.
              //        In an open room this is a monster generator
              //        and is actuated by a timer event type 5.
              //           word 6 bits 8-15 non-zero causes once only.
              //                            If >= 128 then a type 65 timer
              //                            is queued to go off at
              //                            64 * ((word 6 bits 8-15)-126)
              //                            (I presume to reactivate generator!).
              //    7 = ?
              //    8 = In open room:
              //        Operated only by party.  Value is
              //        an OBJECTTYPE that we search for in the
              //        party's possessions.  Actuated if party
              //        possesses such an object.
              //        In Stone: A missile launcher.
              //          Value = 0  Fireballs
              //    9 = ?
              //   11 = Lock. Key removed from hand.
              //   14 =
              //        When a timer of type 6 is sent to
              //        an actuator of type 14 then the first
              //        object at the proper position in the same
              //        room as the actuator is removed
              //        from the room and launched as a missile
              //        in the adjacent room.
              //   15 =
              //        When a timer of type 6 is sent to
              //        an actuator of type 15 then the first two
              //        objects at the proper position in the same
              //        room as the actuator are removed
              //        from the room and launched as missiles
              //        in the adjacent room.
              // bits 7-15 = value
  i16 word4;  // bit 2 = causes bits 1-6 of word 2 to be cleared. "Once only"???
              // bits 3-4 Action when switch changes state
              //           0=set when closed
              //           1=clear when closed
              //           2=toggle when closed
              //           3=set when closed, clear when opened
              // bit 5 = 0=normally open; 1=normally closed
              // bit 6 = make click sound
              // bits 7-10 = delta time (or number of monsters+1)
              //   For a monster generator, a value with bit 3
              //   set means to generate a random number modulo
              //   bits 0-2.
              // bit 11 = Local action only.  Like increase
              //          skill.
              // bits 12-15 = wall graphic index+1
  i16 word6;  // (if word4 & 0x800)
                 // bits 4-15
              // (if ! word4 & 0x800)
                 // bits 4-5    position????
                 // bits 6_10   =mapX
                 // bits 11_15  =mapY
              // bits 4-7  hitPoint multiplier (Monster Generator)
              // bits 4-11 energy remaining in missile
              // bits 8_15 disable time (Monster Generator)
              // bits 12-15